Dr. Prashant Mundeja Received The Title Of "Inspiring Icon Of The Year 2025" From Kalam Forum Of Bengal.

Durlav Sarkar --The Inspiration

 Dr. Prashant Mundeja Received The Title Of "Inspiring Icon Of The Year 2025" From Kalam Forum Of Bengal.

Dr. Prashant Mundeja Received The Title Of "Inspiring Icon Of The Year 2025" From Kalam Forum Of Bengal.

Dr. Prashant Mundeja is an educationist, researcher, administrator, technocrat, volunteer and a man with a missionary zeal to serve the society with devotion and sincerity. He received Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. He is Professor of Chemistry in School of Sciences at MATS University, Raipur. He owns 19 years of teaching and research experience. Alongwith that completed certification course in Ayurvedic Diet and Nutrition and Yoga Trainer Course from Arogyam Institute, Jalandhar, Punjab. He has 25 peer reviewed research publications in National and International Journals, 14 books, 15 patents, more than 100 newspaper and magazine coverage etc. He is supervising 8 Ph.D. scholars. 

There are various academic and administration responsibilities comprising State and National Level Competition Examinations Preparation Cell, Science Clubs, Scientific Societies, Superintendent of University and Testing Agencies Examinations of State and National levels etc. are managed under his leadership. He is serving the journals of national and international repute as Editor-in-Chief, member of editorial board, member of advisory committee, Invited Referee etc.

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