Anantapur International Short Film Festival was the first year the festival was organized by Dinesh Chindaluru Jeene, participated in the festival along with Indian filmmakers at the Zimbabwe Film Festival of Bangladesh. Best film out of 35 films, Andhra Pradesh's Telugu film Janani won the Gaya Vrikshachak Award. Best Acting Award Kannada Film Salute K Ashwin Hassan Best Acting Award went to Shweta Varma for Telugu film Bharatha Desham lo Amma Ila which was also included in TV's Bigg Boss contest Best Dress Pranali Maskar Mere Dadu Best Makeup Kumar Garu Best Story Harish Valmiki Concept Rythu Movies Sandeep Sandy Best Screenplay M- arun kumar best film on disability yishu kadles pondal ramesh fulalpally film on environment sorry for black risk salik ul aslam bangladesh Best Art Director Lucky Jagdish Editor Sanvika Studio Best Supporting Actor Shri Oreshwar Rao Best Supporting Actress Amrita Best Child Actress Vismaya Divas Music Director Vincent Anthony Raj Best Cinema Autobiography Shahji Jodi Best Documentary Ek Pasli PUI Best Animation Sunny Graphics Best Jury Kadalas Podal Comilla Anantapur Mayor Vasanthi Sahithya Garu Deputy Mayor Kogatam Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy G Chairman in the conferences Vishwanath Reddy Garu Ji & Special Jury Amol Bhagat of SVCAPlex ISFFIA Film Festival in Anantapur was anchor Ramesh, organizer & Festival Director Dinesh Chindaluru.