Kamalika Bhattacharya Comes Out With Her New Book "Secret Serenade".

Durlav Sarkar --The Inspiration


Kamalika Bhattacharya comes out with her new book "Secret Serenade" and this book will help to journey many unexplored shores, that may track down the distinct facet of longing, pain, assurance and vulnerability, this collection navigates through the inner quests that explores the nuances of human equations vividly.


Kamalika Bhattacharya has authored poems, short stories, and editorials for a number of journals. Her work deftly combines passion, drama, and love. She has years of valuable professional experience and has worked for a variety of print and media companies. Her urge to travel motivates her to write down her thoughts and develop a range of storylines. She strives to communicate the gamut of emotions that exist in human life by providing the characters appropriate intonations.


Poetry has long been a powerful medium for exploring , expressing, and understanding the complexties of human connections. Secret Serenade is a thought provoking collection that delve into the complexties of human relationships extensively.

This book will help to journey many unexplored shores, that may track down the distinct facet of longing, pain, assurance and vulnerability. This collection navigates through the inner quests that explores the nuances of human equations vividly. Each and every poem accentuates the dynamics of pleasure and pain of revolving around the human relations.

Love’s a tender thread that weaves us tight,through laughter and tears. This collection invites readers to delve into the depths of heartbreak and learn to revive back while restoring varied experiences.  

Stimulate your mind and connect with my soul, set your heart on fire so that each and every word electrifies your skin. Can you do that?

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