Mansi Chaturvedi Got Felicitated With The Title Of 'Inspiring Icon Of The Year 2025'.

Durlav Sarkar --The Inspiration


On the auspicious occasion of Women's Day, INKZOID FOUNDATION appreciates Mansi Chaturvedi's hardwork, dedication, creativity and felicitates her with the title of 'Inspiring Icon Of The Year 2025'.


Mansi Chaturvedi is a published writer of the books The Rainbow in the Palette and The Shades of Solitude available on Amazon. A homemaker who turned her passion for writing from the viscnity of her home. You need not step out in this digital world yo make a mark. She is an example of this as she balances her duty as a homemaker as well her passion for writing. She has connected with her words globally through her blog Pennedconnections@wordpress com. A place where she has almost 500 blog post. She has given voice to her writings through her podcast Live Wires on Spotify. Her writings are her experiences I life and revolve around emotions, relationship, mental health and self identity. She has had her poems published as co author in various anthologies by Oxford, Exceller, Manda, Ekta and Namya Publications. She is part of the Indie Authors group , a platform of eminent authors . She has had her articles published in Times of India Readers blog called Momentary Reflections and even in magazines like Womensera. An active participant on various writing platforms with her words published in digital magazine like, Literary Scape,Unicorn Magazine , and The Beautiful Mind. She believes that consistency, dedication and belief in your capabilities can help you make a mark and create a space for yourself. Her words have travelled from the walls of her home and appreciated and recognised globally.

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